8th History Mock Election Project

8th History Mock Election Project
Posted on 11/18/2024
Voting at the polls in the library

8th Grade History

Students from Mr. Sanchez's history class learned from hands on experience the election process and how it relates to civic service. Day one students researched the structure of government and developed plans and strategies for whether they would run for office. Student candidates were selected and teams were formed to start campaign creation and preparing for political debates in the classroom. Then, everything culminated in students participating in a mock-election, voting for their preferred candidate at the polls in the library. They went through the whole process of checking in, receiving a ballot, going to a booth to vote privately, and casting their vote in the ballot box. 

The election out come will be posted at a later date, so please return for the results. For now here are some pictures from their class voting day and video clips of the debates that happened in their classes. 

Students participate in mock election


8th History PBL Elections & Civic Service by Kellye Stimpson